At home, staying healthy with Kalan!

We had a quick chat with one of our biggest fans and soccer star in the making – Kalan Owens. We wanted to find out how Kalan was staying healthy and keeping active through this time.
Tell us a little bit about your self
I’m a 14-year-old rep soccer player, currently playing in the NPL competition. The Kids Shake is perfect for me as it complements my training and keeps me fit and healthy. I take have it on my way to school or sometimes for recess or afternoon tea.
How are you enjoying home school?
Home school is okay, I’m enjoying how you can do more activities on your lunch break and I also think being in the comfort of your home is great! I talk to my friends and teacher throughout the day.
How are you keeping a routine?
I wake up at the same time every day, have my Kids Shake (chocolate flavoured) and go for a run. I always try to stay active throughout the day. I hate wasting time, so when school is finished I am straight into focusing on soccer, improving my skills and techniques.
What are your favourite healthy snacks?
Well, my favourite has to be the Chocolate Kids Shake – they are so delicious and keep me so full! I really love The Man Bars as well (my Dad buys them).
Are you doing any home workouts?
I am going for a run before school every morning and practising soccer in the back yard after school. I really enjoy any type of physical activity.